Naked Ink Diary of a Small Town Boy Volume 1

Everyone has read about the journey of famous actors. But what about the thousands of actors who struggle to survive the dog-eat-dog actor’s life in New York City and never reach fame and fortune?
Welcome to the nitty-gritty life of an actor cum art model in all its naked glory; the story of an illegal alien’s journey to America, a sex-addicted bisexual, hell-bent on making something happen for himself in NYC, circa 1980.
Indie Reader: RATING: 4.8 stars (out of 5)
… the subtle narrative that unfolds–aided in no small part by a sprinkling of present-day commentaries–is so engrossing this could have easily been billed as a work of gritty ‘slice-of-life’ fiction. Be it the never-ending auditions or the legendary nightlife, NAKED INK is less a story about a struggling actor and more a story about the act of living–relationships, restaurants, and even the traffic all get equal billing here … A bold and vivid first-hand account of the life and times of a struggling actor in the late ‘70s, NAKED INK is both a thoughtful examination of NYC’s rich cultural history and a refreshingly honest ode to living in the moment.